My journey with “woo woo” and it’s power practical, began when my
health crashed while working as an architect for Boston hospitals.
Only 23, I was looking at the diagnosis of infertility, colitis, kidney
and gallbladder disease making the choices for my life. Grace stepped
in, I agreed to manage a hospital project in India, and the ensuing
choices and experiences changed my health as well as my understanding
of challenge as well. The rest is history as they say-3 children au
natural, organs all accounted for, and results at yearly check-ups my
physician marvels as being decades younger!
Our ability to create as humans is awesome, real, and quite scientific
as well. We have been taught to distrust ourselves and our abilities
and to believe mystery, magic, and miracles are only for those lucky or
special enough. Beliefs are powerful and in case you missed the memo,
our world is evolving in historic and life-changing ways. Why would we
humans-daughters and sons of the Earth-not be part and parcel of the
evolutionary changes as well?
So what is the secret to having woo-woo change your life? You’ve
learned about woo-woo out of the wa-zoo and nothing has really changed!
1. Look for where irony is residing in your life and you will find the
presence of the sacred not far off. Irony is where logic hits the
edge where man-made rules no longer hold power and the power of the
soul begins. Looking back on when my health crisis appeared, it is not
lost on me the irony of having this happen while working with
world-class physicians!
2. Taking action signals to your soul a commitment to what you desire
to create. And thinking and talking involve little risk to your status
quo of comfort and control. As Einstein pointed out, is a bit of
insanity on your part to expect change from no action!
3. Be grateful for what you don’t like in life, for contrast can serve
as an important kick in your butt! Pay attention to what you love in
life and give it more of your energy and less energy to what others
have told you to do.....happiness loves integrity!
4. Your default setting for your choices, your beliefs, your happiness
in life are often just that-your defaults. As you would not expect
your computer to perform optimally with software decades old, happiness
and satisfaction in life require updating your beliefs and your choices
for realizing your greatest happiness and satisfaction in life .
One of the most significant evolutions we are undergoing as human
beings is to no longer believe ourselves separate from our soul,
separate from creating as gods and goddesses walking the Earth. As
Einstein wisely observed, insanity is making the same choices over and
over and expecting the results to be different. You can no longer make
the choice to separate yourselves from your soul, from your humanity,
and expect the challenges in your life and in your world to go
away......Now THAT’S Magical thinking!
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