Pausing for Prayers Simple and Big
Unfolding in Japan are immense human, health, financial, and life tragedies, challenges, and changes for the people of Japan. Watching a video of the tsunami coming ashore, my breath stopped, my mind screamed, and my heart began to pray. I felt as Obi-Wan said....a great disturbance of the Force and again, a reminder how our belief in separation from each other is a false belief, not a truth. Technology gifts us with ability to know what is happening with our human family around the world and tragedy reminds us to offer our prayers, simple and big.
Choosing our Divinity Simple and Big
As humans beings, our divinity serves our humanity, or as I like to say, we are gods and goddesses serving time on Earth! Our divinity is "built" for flowing through and for our everyday life, needing nothing more than our simple choice to exercise it's big power. For our family in Japan, in New Zealand, in Libya, in Bahrain, for those unknown to us, our divinity is needed in ways simple and big. Choose to pause a moment in your busy day and offer a simple prayer for those in unimaginable pain and sorrow. Choose to pause talking on your phone with your friends and simply text a donation (90999) to Japanese relief efforts. Choose to pause and take a deep breath of gratitude for being alive and then again draw another deep breath simply because you can. Choose to light a candle for those in the darkness of despair and the feeling of being alone. It really is simple to exercise our divinity and when we do so for our human family of the world, divinity flows big.
In gratitude for your presence in my life,
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