Happy New Year! January is a month fresh and new, with possibilities endless and offerings a-plenty, along with some lingering of what is left over from the year past. Each month has it's unique energy and opportunity and one of January's is to honor the old and claim the new. And so I have come to a ritual I engage in the early weeks of January-to remember and honor the chapter of my story created the year before for clarity in engaging the year new.
“Those who do not know their history are bound to repeat it” is a saying cautioning us to not go through our days simply as a series of days spent checking things off our to-do lists.....our living is much more precious and powerful than that. Taking an hour or two to write about the last 12 months of your life will surprise you in ways important for living this gift of the next year of your life. It will offer you an opportunity to truly cherish your living and to recalibrate.... for how you meet what challenges you, what sorrows may be calling for more tending, and where renewed focus on what is precious to you will serve your happiness and fulfillment.
And so, this new year of your life, what do you choose to give your precious time and energy to? What dreams and desires will you pick up to grow with your innate creativity and which ones will you let go of....remaining seeds to plant another year or to be let go for becoming compost that enriches what is planted? Honor what you choose for your life, for your choices have impact beyond your knowing, your presence has the power to inspire and uplift, and expressing your love creates miracles.
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