I am blessed by my work of guidance and support with women transforming challenges to their happiness through the strength and skills of their spirit....or as I say, “taking the grit life delivers to us as our divine instructions for engaging our grace!”. I remind women how spirituality is not following rules and obeying authority outside herself; it is actively living her deepest values and visions and making her choices with integrity. I remind her how spirituality is not something separate from her daily life; her spirituality is lived in showing up, speaking up, and standing up right where she has been planted.
Contemporary spirituality is conscious partnering with our spirit and soul for practical guidance and support in our daily life. Contemporary spirituality is living grace that is practical and honoring the grit of life as sacred. Contemporary spirituality honors the teachers that are animal, plant, and "the other" and contemporary spirituality honors our body as not simply a vehicle, rather as a teacher and healer divine.
Contemporary spirituality demands we update our beliefs, definitions, and concepts for daily living of our active, embodied, and emboldened spirituality as women. Ask yourself these questions-your answers are for living in your daily life!
- If you knew you were always being divinely guided and supported, how would you live differently your life?
- If you were to embrace "where you were planted"-to the beauty, to the challenges, to the gratitude-what would be different?
- If you took 100% responsibility for your life vs deferring your power to "karma" or "God's will" or "I have no power to make things different" where would you take up your voice, your power, your outrage?
- If you truly honored your spirit and soul as your most intimate partner in life, how would the priorities for your time change? Would time for meditation, prayer, and self-care become less luxuries and more essentials in your daily life?